Welcoming the Welcome Bag
Welcoming the Welcome Bag
Feb 24, 2016
Ive never really been much in favor of favors at weddings. If you have the means to do it, then by all means do, but for most couples its just another extra expense. Thats also because most guests arent really interested in favors. No one needs a monogrammed champagne glass with your wedding date on it except for maybe you, so dont succumb to the wedding favor pressure.
Instead, channel that favor energy into welcome bags. Its really the same thing, but its also different. For one thing, you only have to provide one welcome bag per room, and you can fill it with information that will be useful for your guests. Its less a party favor and more a kit. For example, even though all your wedding info is probably up on your website its nice to provide a hard copy of the directions from the hotel to the ceremony and from the ceremony to the reception. You can include a map or a list of local spots for your out-of-town guests to see during any downtime. Its also a great place to include a note thanking your guests for coming, and it helps get them in a celebratory spirit.
Magazines would have you add a bottle of wine, a pound of coffee and a customized tote, but the truth is you could simply leave it at directions and a nice note. If you want to add in some goodies there are easy and budget friendly ways to do it. The easiest and most budget-friendly thing to provide is food. A sprinkling of mini candy bars or a lunch-sized pack of chips makes for a nice gesture. It shows your guests that you understand that they have traveled, that they have put in effort to come to your wedding, and they might enjoy a snack and a chance to take a breather before getting ready for the shindig. A bottle of water is also always a nice gesture or even a soda for later is a nice touch.
Its truly the thought that counts and every little bit certainly counts. I promise that if you give your guests a simple paper bag with a nice note and a few pieces of chocolate they will be delighted, and the chocolate will probably be gone before theyve unzipped their luggage.