The Perfect Valentine's Gift For Brides-To-Be

The Perfect Valentine's Gift For Brides-To-Be

The Perfect Valentine's Gift For Brides-To-Be. Mobile Image

Feb 11, 2016

Its the season again for flowers and chocolates and perfume. Those at least are the cliché gifts of Valentines Day, and while you might pass on the chocolate and flowers for the umpteenth time if youre getting married soon you should definitely consider perfume. Perfume is absolutely one of the best gifts for a bride-to-be, and Im going to tell you exactly why.   Ive written about this before, but its helpful to bring it up again because I think it is that important. You simply pick out a new fragrance that you really like and drop some handy hints that thats what you would like for Valentines Day. Its the perfect holiday to make such a purchase because often there are lots of fragrance deals at department stores (you might end up with a tote bag, too!) and it kills two birds with one stone. You get a really nice gift for Valentines Day, and you also check something off your wedding supplies list. Easy. ded5f3ebb4f0e91f_PA2013_01_0028.xxxlarge_2x-1 Oh, but the benefits dont stop there. The real beauty of this gift is that you cant use it until your wedding day. That doesnt seem so fun, but trust me. Wear it on your big day and wear it on your honeymoon and then set it aside for a few months. Then, maybe for a special occasion or maybe for no reason at all, wear it again. Here is the magical part. As soon as you spritz it into the air youll instantly be reminded of your special day. Even better, youre spouse will be reminded of it, too. They might not even realize why these wonderful memories have come flooding back, but youll know. Youll know that you have been able to brilliantly tie a specific scent to a very precious memory and that years and years later you will still be able to. Thats so smart, theyll say.   Arent you so smart? Yep. Happy Valentines Day {Lindsey}