Wedding Find of the Week
Wedding Find of the Week
Aug 06, 2015
Maybe its because weddings are so steeped in tradition that when you start planning one you wind up thinking a lot about posterity. What decorations will you save? What will you do with your gown, with your shoes, with your veil? What will happen with the countless cards filled with heartfelt words from all your guests? I thought about all these things.
I thought about what items might be passed down to someone else sometime in the future. In general I found this feeling made me more willing to spend money in the hopes of creating heirlooms. While some of that can be attributed to the wedding planning daze in which everything makes you feel like you need to spend more, do more, provide more for your celebration, I do think there is a little wisdom buried there.
Which is why this weeks wedding find is not about finding something on the cheap, its about finding something worthy. Worthy of being handed down. Worthy of sitting on your mantle. Worthy of sparking conversations years and years after your big day.
The item could be a whole host of things, but I love these champagne coupes. You could really spend a bundle and get crystal ones if you want, but I tend to go for style over substance. The colors are wonderful and vintage and they beg to be photographed. Plus, theyll make any bride look that much daintier and any groom that much more debonair just by holding them. Theyll make the champagne look better. Theyll make the toasts sound better. But more importantly theyll make you and your wedding a part of history. Its a lofty goal, but its a nice one, too. Its nice to think that the same glasses you and your spouse used to toast your wedding day might be used by someone else in your family to do that same thing. What if in a hundred years they are still using them?
Careful little champagne coupes, youve got to survive. For posterity.