I recently came across a list on a prominent wedding website of ten things that every wedding guest hates and how to avoid them. Since I like to think of weddings as happy occasions I was not wild about focusing on things people hate. Id rather focus on what they love and what will make them have a wonderful time at your wedding. There are of course really extravagant things you can do that your guests will love like slip a bottle of local wine into every welcome bag or hire a food truck to dish up late night fare as the evening winds down. If youre able to do those things thats great and Id love to come, but if not there are plenty of small ways to show guests how much you care.
A Champagne Toast
Ive been to so many weddings where they skip the champagne toast, and I think its such a shame. Theres something special about raising a glass of champagne. Raising it in honor of a happy couple makes it even better. Plus, it gives guests something to look forward to if the speeches are less than stellar.
Plus Ones
I know the 'plus one' has caused many couples lots of wedding turmoil. Who gets one? Who doesnt? What criteria do we use? I say plus ones for all. Some may use it and others decline it, but its nice to offer it. There are mitigating circumstances, sure, but in general, be generous with the plus ones and everyone will be happy.
Edible Favors
Guests really dont need favors. Its a nice idea, but they are totally unnecessary. Its a waste of your money and honestly, no one needs anything with your wedding date etched into it. But if you really want to send guests home with a sign of your appreciation, then make it something edible. It wont take up space in their closet or goodwill pile and it will provide a handy little snack as they leave the reception.
Printed Itineraries
Putting all your ceremony and reception info on a website or app is great for the majority of your guests, but its still nice to provide paper copies at the hotel. If you are making any kind of welcome bag or packet then just toss in an itinerary and directions to and from. This will be a huge help to your guests who are not as tech savvy and its a handy little reminder for everyone else, too.
A Good Vegetarian Option
Its hard to account for everyones specific dietary needs, especially if you are not aware of them before hand, but making sure you have a good veggie option is an easy adjustment to make. Too often the veggie option is definitely an afterthought, so if you are going to do it, do it well. Please no frozen succotash.
Stay tuned for the remaining five things your guests will love!