Prettiest Places for Your Ring

Prettiest Places for Your Ring

Prettiest Places for Your Ring. Mobile Image

Feb 05, 2015

I have a terrible habit of leaving both my wedding band and my engagement ring and generally anything nice I own, laying around in the most bizarre and unsafe places for little valuables. Oh, you know, by the sink, on the lip of the tub, inside a book, just here and there. Its a terrible habit I know, but Im pretty sure it is fueled by the subconscious delusion that my rings will always make their way back to me like magic. Fingers crossed anyhow, but if you would like to be a little more practical than I am, then please check out my list of the prettiest and safest little places to store your rings.   1. capri-light-blue-velvet-ring-box-2_grande   How am I just finding out about these vintage little velvet boxes now?! I want to collect all of them and arrange them in patterns and take photos. They are cute and delicate and they make both a great place to store a ring and also a great place to show it off (other than of course your finger). More from the Mrs. Box   2. il_570xN.706320616_9ory   If you are having an Art Deco themed wedding a la the Great Gatsby then you just absolutely have to get one of these vintage ring boxes for your photos. Theyll also obviously make a great keepsake for after the wedding. More Vintage Boxes on Etsy   3. pottery barn   Here is a great way to keep track of your ring and also transform it into a piece of still life art. This little glass cloche means your rings are important. They are so important and special that technically they belong in a museum, but for now this is the next best place. More from Pottery Barn    4. meow tray   This jewelry tray is modern and funny and super convenient. It says I hardly ever take off my ring, but when I do its just for a second, so I wouldnt want to put it away away. Find it Here   5. il_570xN.561555667_4mei   These boxes  are geometric, fun, hip and both retro and modern at the same time. They are handcrafted, bright and colorful and a great place to store, and perhaps present (ahem) a ring. Find it Here   There are millions of other wonderful little holders and boxes just calling out to us all from the internet, so find a cute one and keep your keepsakes safe. {Lindsey}