Mix and Match Maids

Mix and Match Maids

Mix and Match Maids. Mobile Image

Dec 05, 2014

By now you have seen the trend of mixing and matching bridesmaid dresses everywhere. Everywhere. Sometimes it yields stunning results and sometimes it gets a little unwieldy. Im not gonna let that happen. All you need is a theme. Themes arent just those annoying things you had to map out in tenth grade lit classes. Themes are actually useful; they provide a sense of unity and purpose. So here are a few helpful guidelines. Stick to them or dont sick to them, but do it well either way.   They dont have to "Go" together, but they have to "Go" together I love mixing patterns, fabrics and textures. I mean I really love it. But even I know there is a limit to how much variety you can cram into one party before you lose cohesion. So again, if you want everyone in a different pattern or color or fabric then find some common ground among them. Want different patterns? Then keep them in the same shades and so on.   Its Not All About Ombre Mixing and matching isnt all about creating an ombre of one shade. You dont have to do seven shades of blue. Look for inspiration around you. Steal ides from other weddings. Read weddings blogs. Read graphic design blogs. Look for colors that exist together in nature. Think beyond "wedding colors" in the traditional sense and think more about a theme. This will help everything be less matchy matchy.   You Decide A major force behind this trend is the desire for brides to give their maids autonomy and a voice in what they wear. Sure, we all want our friends and sisters and cousins to feel comfortable and beautiful, but it doesnt mean we need to turn it into a free-for-all. You need to be the one to come up with the rules, and you need to make them strict. You also need to help find the dresses. This makes it fair for all concerned. Yes, your girls want choices, but they also want you to be happy and they certainly dont wont to make a decision you wont like. They also dont have time to go reach the ends of the internet or the four corners of the mall to find the perfect dress. They need direction. From you.   allison-tyler-bridesmaids-0660-mwds110384_vert Get more ideas from here.   {Lindsey}