As the holiday weekend approaches I find myself musing over all the wonderful things about Fourth of July, which are really just all the wonderful things about summer crammed into one day:
Barbeque. Fireworks, duh. Smores desserts. An after party bonfire. Potato salad. Red, white and blue banners. Over-sized Uncle Sam hats. Picnic baskets. Checkered tablecloths. Apple pie. Strawberries on everything. American flag napkins. Whipped cream. Corn on the cob. Gingham. Fruit arranged in the shape of the American flag.
These are also the same things to love about summer weddings. Especially all the strawberry and whipped cream desert options. Oh, what I would not have given to have a barbeque rehearsal dinner with picnic tables and bocce ball, or a reception outside under tiki torches, but alas, March is not the month for that. Its July. So heres to a Happy Fourth, to beautiful weather, to grills and barbecues and endless bags of potato chips, and as always, to beautiful brides.