So You Just Got Engaged Now What? Part 1
So You Just Got Engaged Now What? Part 1
Jan 05, 2017
Wow, first of all, Happy New Year to everyone! And second of all congratulations to all of those who are newly engaged! December is by far the most popular month for engagement proposals, so I suspect there are a few new fiancés out there. Im equally sure that the past few days or weeks have been a blur of champagne bubbles and warm wishes. But after the first round of cheers comes the questions. Have you set a date? Where are you getting married? Who is your Maid of Honor? Things can go from overjoyed to overwhelmed pretty fast, but luckily theres help. Ill cover the first crucial steps in the next few blogs, so we will start with number one on the list.
After the champagne bubbles die down the easiest and most sensible thing to do is to pick a date. Many of the decisions you make, from your color palette to what venues are available, all stem from what day you are getting married. You probably already have a time of year in mind, so zero in on that, grab a calendar and get to work. Do you want to get married on a Saturday? A Sunday? Would you consider saving some money and getting married on a Friday? Once those decisions are made, picking the date gets easier.
If you arent set on a particular time of year think about what other factors might affect your day. Do you mind if the weather is warm? Do you see yourself getting married outside? Do you live in an area prone to hurricanes or blizzards? Those might be times of year to stay away from if possible. Its also worth considering what kind of work you and your fiancé do. Is there a particularly busy or stressful season in what either of you do? Is there a time of year that its easier to leave work? Considering those things will again narrow down your days.
The last wild card to consider is the other important players. The day is yours to pick, but as a courtesy and a hassle-saver its worth reaching out to key players like your parents or siblings or closest friends to feel-out what works for them. Ideally everyone will make whatever date you pick work, but it would probably be nice to know your best friend has tickets booked for next June to go to Italy. Or whatever.
Picking the date is the first major thing you are likely to do after saying Yes, but dont let that major decision stress you out. You have to choose, and once you make that first choice, the other choices start falling in line sometimes because of plain old default. Easy peasy.