Happy Mother's Day in Strange Times

Happy Mother's Day in Strange Times

Happy Mother's Day in Strange Times. Mobile Image

May 09, 2020

Moms and mother figures are an integral part of Betsy Robinsons Bridal Collection. Whether its through their presence or their absence, moms shape the wedding dress shopping experience. We know that we help create memories with mothers and daughters and future mothers-in-law that last a lifetime.

Right now, we are missing those moments. We miss our brides, and we miss their moms. Were missing the happy tears and the handmade signs and the frantic search for the tissues. We miss the yes moments and the moments when everything becomes real. Like when a little girl morphs magically into a bride right in front of her moms eyes.

How did that happen? When did that happen?

Yes, there are moments that we are missing, but theres still so much to celebrate, especially when it comes to Mothers Day. All across the country moms are rocking it. Moms are working from their living rooms, teaching from their kitchen tables, and directing activities in their backyards. Theyre leaving their families behind to help those in need. Some are risking their lives to help strangers, and others are simply trying to make a cake to celebrate momentous moments in strange times.

In short, moms are really doing all the things that they normally do. Theyre creating and innovating and nurturing and keeping the balance in a world that never stops spinning. They are a force of joy and light in strange times, in the strangest of times.

My own mom sends a slew of daily text messages wishing for sunny days and hugs from my little boy. She hopes we have good things to eat and things to look forward to. She hopes I stay busy, but also that I relax. Shes such a mom.

But her daily wishes are my wishes for everyone. So this Mothers Day, I hope we have sunny days ahead. I hope we have things to look forward to and that we can balance our need to be productive with our need to enjoy the moments in front of us. I hope that on the other side of this there are some long hugs waiting for us all.
