Happy July
Happy July
Jul 01, 2015
Its hard to believe that weve already made it to July. The season of hot dogs, barbecues, block parties and fireworks is upon us, and summers pinnacle holiday is right around the corner. In observance of the Fourth of July our salon will be closed, but were pretty sure you will all be out eating hotdogs, and attending too many barbecues and block parties to notice.
You might even be going to the ultimate Fourth of July party, a wedding, in which case I hope the happy couple have taken full advantage of all the wonderful things about the Fourth that are at their disposal. For example, if I were having a wedding this weekend Id start out by hiring a few founding father impersonators. It sounds cheesy, but guests would get a big kick out of it and imagine the photos; dont you want to see George Washington break it down on the dance floor?
Next I would probably evoke the holiday in more of a Norman Rockwell way than an American flag way. That is to say I would not rely solely on red and white blue to create a theme, but instead use classic Americana. Vintage glass Coke bottles and old wooden Coke crates would be a major part of the design and of course there would be no cake, only apple pie. But its really the dinner that would be the best part: barbecue chicken, corn on the cob and naturally, mac and cheese. The evening would end with sparklers, rocket pops and a killer fireworks display visible from the floor-to-ceiling windows of this imaginary venue because of course, if you are getting married on the Fourth, you better get a place with a good view.
But no matter where you are I hope you are with good people and good food and that you use your Baltimore rooftop decks responsibly : )