I have written many love letters to Baltimore in both a literal and figurative sense. I have called it my home for more than a decade (oh my) and I, along with the team here, sing its praises. I've told friends and family members how I feel, and I've written about Baltimore in this forum on more than one occasion. I am practiced and skilled at celebrating my city. We all are.
But we are realistic as well. You cant tell us much that we dont already know. Its no accident that we put rats on our bumper stickers. We have learned what school children learn about surviving on the playground: you cannot insult us if we do it first.
Of course we all just work for a bridal shop and this is just a bridal blog. Its not a place to address serious concerns. Its a place where we talk about love. Everything we do here we do because people are in love. It all begins and ends with love. Everyday brides come here to find the perfect wedding dress so that they can stand up in front of friends and family and openly declare their love.

And many of those brides and couples choose to openly declare their love in Baltimore City. They proudly print charm city on all their wedding paraphernalia and they mean it. Their welcome bags are stocked with cans of Natty Boh and bags of Zekes coffee. Out of town guests are given a run down of all the places in the city they MUST visit and all the things they MUST do before the weekends out.
A Baltimore Theme Built for Love

Order the fried chicken at Cardinal Tavern. Combine a scoop of key lime pie and a scoop of honey graham at Jupiters ice cream. Visit the ancient Chinese art wing at the Walters Art Museum. Climb to the top of the George Washington monument. Visit the Sunday farmers market under the Jones Falls Expressway and be sure to grab a dangerously delicious pie (obviously strawberry rhubarb) and a biscuit from Black Sauce. Stroll through the historic neighborhoods of Mt. Washington and Roland Park. Walk Charles Street from end to end. And on and on and on.

These couples get married at the grand and glorious George Peabody Library whose stunning, wrought iron, book-filled balconies transport you back in time. They get married at the American Visionary Art Museum where weird and wonderful are wonderfully wed in colorful and elaborate ways. Theres the innovative Heron room, the historic Engineers Club, and the Four Seasons with its harbor views. Not to mention the obligatory photos outside the Mt. Vernon Place United Methodist Church and the blossoming trees of the wide boulevard. Or the Steiff Silver sign in Hampden thats illuminated for each season. And what Baltimore wedding could be complete without the Domino Sugars sign emblazoned across the dark sky and darker waters of the harbor?

Of all the places in the country, and these days, the world, where couples could get married, they choose Baltimore. They choose Baltimore the same way people choose to live and work and start families here. They choose Baltimore because the city becomes a part of their love story, their legacy, and their family history.
For me, Baltimore is exactly that, and I love it.